Thursday, September 25, 2014

End of Term Wrap-up

It is hard to believe we are at the end of yet another term.  The 10 weeks seem to have flown by and the energy we’ve put into our learning has been impressive as always.

Highlights include...

In Reading, becoming more independent and taking control of our learning by selecting reading contract activities to further enhance our learning from our shared group novels.

In Writing, crafting, re-crafting, publishing, and illustrating our very own narrative based on a crash landing.  These are on display in our room and worth a read if you get the chance.

In PE, learning to dance!  Our 6 weeks of dancing lessons have been so much fun!

In Maths, completing the Amazing Race challenges in the last week.  Excitement, energy and fantastic learning all rolled up into one!

In Art, producing a number of impressive quality pieces, including our scraffito calendar art, and our Aboriginal Art.

In Topic, investigating the Arts, and in particular working on our inquiry projects presenting a range of visual art, musical talents, dancing, dramatic plays and comics.

In ICT, having the expertise of Mr Gover to help us navigate our way around the neat skills offered in Photoshop.

There is so much we could list about our wonderful term.  Room 21 you are an amazing class and I feel very privileged to work alongside you.  I am looking forward to continuing our learning journey together next term (especially at camp).  Have a wonderful holiday break with your families.  Come back safe and sound and full of energy for our final term together.

Mrs Kim Whitehead

‘Life begins at the End of your Comfort Zone’

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Calendar Art - Scraffito

Have you ordered your calendar art?

Orders will soon be closing for Calendar art.  This year you can purchase calendars, cards, diaries and mouse pads.  They make wonderful Christmas presents for your family.

This year Room 21 continued their Pacific Island Art focus and used a form of art called Scraffito.

It involved using pastels in a variety of colours and patterns to colour their blank page. Next they coloured over all their patterning with a black crayon (this was quite an effort). Then using nails, they scratched out their drawings.

The final result is amazing and the children are extremely proud of their efforts.  Check out these pictures below of our future artists.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

North West Zones Cross Country

Congratulations to Hannah, Tayla and Ben W for participating in the North West Zone Cross Country competition held at Muriwai on Wednesday 3 September.

It was a challenging course and we are extremely proud of your efforts!

Check out these action shots taken by Mr Oldham.  Thanks Mr Oldham.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Art for Art's Sake - Dance

Dance Unit

Every Tuesday afternoon for 6 weeks of Term 3, our Year 6 Syndicate have been privileged enough to have the U Can Dance 2 Company visit and impart their wisdom of dance upon us.

We have learnt a variety of dances, all varying in complexity.  After initially being a little reserved, we are now fully into the swing of things now!

The smiles and laughs we have each Tuesday are a pleasure to be a part of!

Keep enjoying Room 21 and check out these photos of you having a ball!