Thursday, October 16, 2014

Welcome to Term 4

Welcome back!
Welcome back everyone.  Hopefully you all enjoyed a quality break with your family over the holidays. It’s great to be back at school and continuing our learning journey together.  As week 1 has rocketed by so quickly I can almost imagine how fast this term will whizz us by!
We hit the ground running this week and have had a number of exciting highlights. Our best must surely be the specialist coaching session we had with Ben from the Breakers on Thursday. He will be taking us for 3 more sessions over the next few weeks. The class was fully engaged during the lesson and can’t wait for the challenges next week! Check out the pictures below of us learning new basketball skills.
We have almost completed our Aboriginal Art Project.  Some have and these are on display in our classroom.  The picture had to tell a story and we have published our tales to go with our visual art.  I am extremely proud of our final products.  Thanks, as always, to Mrs Winters for her expert knowledge and insight when we do art.  It really reflects in the children’s work.
Game of the Week for our regular MVTV slot continued. This week we taught the school how to play a game called ‘Ladders’ and the children were most chuffed when they could see classes trying out their game during the week!
Our first round of homework is due on Friday 24th October.  Please ensure your children are reading a minimum of 15 minutes each day and that they are completing their reading log. Spelling continues as normal, as does Maths. The rich tasks section now only requires one project to be completed every fortnight. There is an extra section, where the children can take charge of their learning and do extra work in an area they feel needs work, or they may like to complete any work from in class they haven’t finished.  Once your child shows evidence of this, please sign their sheet in their homework book please.
Bring on Term 4, Room 21!  It should be a cracker!

Mrs Kim Whitehead

‘Life begins at the End of your Comfort Zone’