Monday, July 25, 2016

Panama Inspired Art

For our first Art project this term we are travelling to the Republic of Panama.  This is a small country situated between North and South America.  It is bordered by Costa Rica in the West, Colombia to the Southeast, the Caribbean to the North and the Pacific Ocean to the South.

Today we looked into the traditions of the Kuna Woman from Panama. The Mola is a traditional outfit.  Two mola panels are incorporated as front and back panels in a blouse.  The full costume traditionally includes a patterned wrapped skirt, a red and yellow headscarf, arm and leg beads, a gold nose ring and earrings.

The mola originated with the tradition of Kuna woman painting their bodies with geometrical designs using the available natural colours.

We looked closely at a number of exciting examples and notices the use of bold, bright colours.  The designs were geometrical and a mixture of complicated and simple designs.

Our challenge for the next few weeks to to create our own mola inspired design.  The class are very excited about this challenge and I just can't wait to see what they design.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Welcome back - it's Term 3!

Welcome back to school everyone!  I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday break spending quality time with friends and family!

It was lovely to see the children today - all very excited about their adventures in the holidays and looking forward to the excitement of Term 3's learning ahead!

It's certainly going to be an action packed term including Speeches, Learning how to dance, Cross Country training and much, much more!

Today's Writing lesson was such a buzz of energy.  The children are really enjoying collaborative planning (planning ideas together in a small group).  This week's writing challenge is a persuasive piece with a twist.....


Imagine you have a small shop on a street of fantasy businesses. Your shop could sell enchanted mirrors, magical books, glass slippers, dragon eggs or genie lamps. You could offer magic carpet flying lessons or sword training. Or it could be something else?

After listening to the group's discussion, I am sure we are going to have some very interesting, very creative ideas.  Check out the photos below of us planning together.  And stay tuned for the magical results later in the week.....

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Warren Pohatu Inspired Art Complete

It's possibly very fitting with it being 'Te Taura Whiri  i  te Reo Maori' Language Week that we have finished our Maori Art Project for the term.  After looking at Warren Pohatu's Maori Myths Books we were inspired to create our own pieces of work.

These are all hanging up on display in our classroom for you to come and see the next time you are coming by.  Here is a taste of some of the fantastic art work you'll see.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Year 5/6 Origami Champion

A very special congratulations to our very own Peter who won the Year 5/6 Origami Competition today!  What a fantastic achievement (and skill!).

Reading Fun - Plays

Today was the big performance!  Well done everyone - each play was well acted out and made everyone laugh!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Team Oldham Values Awards

Every fortnight we award the children who have been displaying a specific quality of Marina View School.  This term and part of next term, we are focusing on Integrity.

Congratulations to Penny Edwards and Zahra Hasan who received their Values Awards this fortnight.

A special congratulations to Riley Costa for being awarded the 'Active Leaner Award' Trophy for showing the many wonderful qualities of an active learner this past fortnight.

I wonder who will when these awards next time?