Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Crash Landing Narrative

This week in Writing we are creating a Narrative.  We have used a crash landing on a strange planet as our motivation.

In groups we have collaboratively planned our narrative. We began our brainstirming by describing our characters and our setting.  Who are our characters, what do they look like, what do they like and what are they afraid of.  What does our setting look like, smell like, sound like.  Then we had to think about what problems our space crew might encounter while they are trying to fix their ship. Does the planet have oxygen, does it have alien life (friendly or not).

After we have drafted our narrative we will publish them into our own little books - very exciting!

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Maths - Algebra - Problem Solving

As we are staring Algebra in Maths over the next few weeks, I thought it would be fun to have a whole class problem solving challenge.  The children got into mixed ability groups and worked together to solve 'Bill's Number Plates'.

It was fantastic to see the children sharing and discussing ideas and combining this with their creativeness.  Check out the photos below of us working collaboratively and our workings.

After we solved the initial problem we then went back into our groups and tried to come up with as many ideas as we could for a number below 20.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Congratulations Luke and Daniel....

....for being a part of the very successful E Pro-8 Challenge team and coming first place today!!!!  An amazing achievement boys - well done!  Bring on the next round of competition!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Dance Lessons Week 5

It was another fabulous dance session this week.  It is so great to see all the children really making the most of this opportunity.  The effort that is going in and the smiles on all the faces are a privilege to observe!  Well done everyone - keep it up!

Year 5/6 Speech Finals

Congratulations Zahra and Daniel for making it to the Year 5/6 Speech Finals.  We are so very proud of your efforts!

We really enjoyed all the speeches and their meaningful and inspiring messages.  Congratulations to all involved and a bug thanks to Mr Moore for organising it!