Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Welcome to Term 2

Welcome back to Term 2 everyone!  We hope you all had a relaxing holiday with your family and friends and enjoyed some quality time together.

Term 2 promises to be another exciting one.  Our Inquiry topic is based around How things work and we will be focusing on the Human body and the brain.  We have already looked at the different ways the brain thinks and have identified our most common brain type - some of us are logical and organised, some are emotional, some are mathematical, and some are imaginative.  It was really interesting identifying our common brain traits - some results were predicted and others were quite unexpected.  In Week 4, Room 21 will be visiting the Mind Lab.  This should be very exciting.

In Reading, we have begun our new group novels.  The Marshmallows will be enjoying another fantastical story by Roald Dahl by reading George's Marvellous Medicine.  The Jellybeans will be reading an old favourite by E. B White, Charlotte's Web.  The Kit Kats are going to read a wonderful story of friendship and imagination in Katherine Paterson's, Bridge to Terabithia.  And finally, the Fruit Bursts, will take a trip back in time to 1933 in Judith Kerr's powerful tale, When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit.  In class our shared novel will be Demon Dentist - a hilarious tale of a young boy called Alfie, written by David Wallaims.

In Maths we will be focusing on multiplication and division, as well as some measurement.  We will continue to develop our strategies to solve a range of problems, number knowledge and problem solving.  We will also begin our multiplication basic facts testing each Friday.

In PE, we will begin our Winter Sports unit and develop a range of skills in sports such as hockey, netball, basketball, soccer and rugby.  Our inter-class sports competition will resume on Thursdays. Such exciting times!

In Writing this week, we have started an investigation into a complicated concept.  The children were able to brainstorm a variety of how and why questions on a topic of their choice.  The questions they thought of were very interesting, such as:  How do cats purr?  How do volcanoes explode?  How is water formed?  How does Google know everything?  Why is thee no gravity in space?  Why do cheetahs run so fast?  How do animals communicate?  Check out the photos below of us working through our research we found on the internet in preparation to writing our information reports that help answer our question.

So it looks like another cracking term full of fun and learning.  Stay posted to our blog to keep up to date with all our adventures.

Remember, 'Life begins at the end of your comfort zone'
Mrs Kim Whitehead

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great update Mrs Whitehead! Hope you had a great holiday break too! It sounds like an interesting term ahead! Loving your book selections as well!
    Have a super term and enjoy every minute!!
