Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Year 6 Cultural Show

Congratulations to all the children from Room 21 who performed their Cultural dance at the Year 6 show yesterday.  It was a wonderful sharing experience and really neat to see what the other children from the other two classes have been learning.

You can all be very proud of yourselves.  They way you confidently performed your dances was a pleasure to watch!

Art - Cultural Masks

As part of our Cultural Unit this term, we have begun an Art project where the children have designed their own masks!

We each designed 4 different cultural designs and chose our favourite one.  We then tried experimenting with colour to add effect on our final draft design.  Once we were happy, we began sketching our designs onto our masks.  Next, we used a vivid or sharpie to go over our sketches and our next step (next term) will be to paint our masks.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Inquiry - Cultural Dance Performances

Congratulations to all the children in Room 21 for completing their inquiry presentations today.  It was an afternoon to celebrate all the learning that has gone into their cultural dance this term.

We had a range of dances - from American Cheerleading to NZ Maori Poi and Haka to Scottish dancing to Japanese and Korean Fan dancing.

Tomorrow we are really looking forward to sharing some of our group's dances with the rest of teh Year 6 syndicate tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Four Square Skills

This week for PE we are focusing on small ball skills, co-operation, and fair play.

Handball and Four Square are old fashioned ball games that have never lost their appeal.  We got into groups of five, allowing us to have one player as the referee.

At the start of our session we set out our rules and expectations.  We felt it was really important to learn the skill of respecting the referee.  Sometimes referees make mistakes or make calls we don't agree with, but to be good sports people, we must gracefully accept the decision and move on.  Quite rightly we all decided we'd rather be a part of the game than sitting on the side line because we weren't displaying our sportsmanship skills.

Check out the photos of us below having a whole heap of fun this afternoon!