Monday, September 7, 2015

Specialist Coaching Session from West Harbour Tennis

Today we were very lucky to have Nelson from our local West Harbour Tennis Club come and run a specialist coaching session with us.

He was knowledgeable, energetic and passionate about tennis and we gained so much from the experience!  Fist we played a warm up game, Beat the ball', that helped us focus and concentrate on the ball.

Next we learnt three important stances for playing the forehand in tennis.  We then put this new learning into building up to a rally with a partner.  Nelson broke the skills down so simply that everyone was successful!

If you're keen on becoming a part of the West Harbour Tennis club, please go and see them - they are on Picasso Drive and offer a variety of programmes for all levels.

They've got an Open Day on Sunday September 27th - Junior Tennis 10am-12pm and Senior Tennis 2pm-4pm.  There will be a sausage sizzle, spot prizes and heaps of FUN games!

Check out these photos of us enjoying our session today.

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