Thursday, August 28, 2014

2014 Senior School Cross Country

Senior School Cross Country
Congratulations to everyone in Room 21 for participating in the 2014 MVS School Cross Country.
We trained extremely well and the efforts you all put in certainly showed on Wednesday 27th August.
You were all magnificent and I am extremely proud of every one of you!
A special congratulations to the following children who made it in the top 10.

Ben Webb – 5th
Ethan Te Tai – 9th
Jamie Price – 10th

A special mention to Jackson Egglestone and Ben Robinson who finished just outside the top 10.  Great effort boys!

Tayla Wilson – 2nd
Hannah Gjaltema – 4th
Yashvi Patel – 5th
Grace Foster – 8th
Madison Lamont-Burrows – 10th

A special mention to Alice Raea who finished just outside the top 10 in 12th place.  Well done Alice!

Ben W, Tayla, and Hannah will be part of the Year 5/6 Cross Country team to represent MVS at the Inter Zone Championships.  Good luck guys!

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