Monday, August 18, 2014

Year 5 & 6 Speech Finals

Year 5 & 6 Speech Finals

Congratulations to Cameron and Charlotte for representing our class in the Year 5 & 6 Speech Finals. 
Our whole class presented a great range of interesting and entertaining speeches last week.  Well done everyone.  We all judged each other’s speeches and gave positive feedback to each other.  Both Cameron and Charlotte confidently presented their entertaining speeches and were chosen for the Speech Finals on Tuesday 19th August.

Charlotte’s speech convinced us that being 5 was much better than being 30.  With your examples, we all totally agree.  I think the nest line in your speech was ‘that when you are 5, you are the boss, and your parents are your employees’.  So true I believe!
Cameron’s sequel to his Year 5 Speech answered an interesting question about why super heroes wear capes.  Your ability to connect with the audience and present confidently was a pleasure to watch.  I learnt that capes were inspired by the circus and magicians and, of course, that even super heroes need to eat!

A HUGE congratulations to Cameron for WINNING the Year 5 & 6 Speech Finals.  What an outstanding result, you definitely deserved it.  You have made Room 21 very happy and extremely proud!
Mrs Kim Whitehead

‘Life begins at the End of your Comfort Zone’

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