Monday, May 25, 2015

Let the creation begin...

Today is the day!  It is finally here!  We have planned and re-planned and now we're ready to create!

Check out these photos of us all working in our small groups to create a 3 D robot using only recycled products.  There are some very creative minds on show, even at this early stage.  It is wonderful to see the children working together so cooperatively, discussing ideas, trying to solve problems, and most importantly....ENJOYING their work.

I know I cannot wait to see the end result!
Stay tuned!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Class certificates 22/5/15

Senior Assembly Certificate Winners Week 5

Congratulations to Angel and Alex for winning the class certificates.

Angel, for your thoughtfulness towards others, your kind-hearted nature, and your willingness to share your valuable ideas.

Alex, for your ability to look at things from a different perspective. This combined with your wonderful sense of humour make our classroom a unique and special environment.

A special congratulations to Paige and Cerys for receiving their winning NW Zone Soccer certificates at today's assembly too.

Looks like ice-cream all round for you guys tonight!

Monday, May 18, 2015

3D Recycled Robots

For Art this term we are looking at creating some 3D robots using recycled materials from home.  We are learning how different objects / shapes can be used together to create impact.

We first looked on google images for some inspiration.  Wow!  We were absolutely blown away by what we could use to create our robot!  We got into our groups of 4 and our first step was to sketch a plan of what we want our robot to look like.  Then we thought about the types of materials we'll need to construct our robot.

During the week we will be bringing in any recycled items we have lying around home for the groups to use.  Next week we are going to start creating our robot!  Exciting!

Check out the pictures below of us planning our robots.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

How cute are these?!?! Just add goals....

Phase two of our new learning goals is complete.  The little stick figures have been created and I may be a little biased...but...I think they look AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Homework Sharing 15/5/15

What a wonderful homework sharing time we had today.  It was filled with exciting learning including quizzes about the human body, whacky facts, science experiments, book reviews and volcanoes!

Thank you to all the children for their amazing efforts you have put into your homework this past fortnight.  Your efforts are very much appreciated and I hope you feel as proud of yourselves as I am of you when you present your work.

Remember to keep filling out your reading logs each day and to try to take on some extra responsibility for your learning by doing one extra thing a week to further your learning.

Check out these photos below.  They certainly show the high standard some children are completing their homework with!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Mind Lab and Auckland Museum Trip 13/5/15

What an exceptional day!  The children were absolutely buzzing on arrival to school today and the buzz continued throughout the WHOLE day!  What an adventure we had at the Mind Lab and the Museum.

As part of our Inquiry unit this term into How things work, we were lucky enough to be able to visit The Mind Lab.  Here the children learned how to make a computer game and make characters and objects move and react to each other.  They loved this!  The smiles on their faces as they saw their genius come alive on the computer were priceless!  The children were so engaged in this activity and the coolest thing is that they can carry on what they have done at home.  Just ask them to show you what they can do - you'll be so impressed!

After lunch we explored the Auckland Museum.  The children mapped out what they wanted to see and this included one focus area where they researched an area of interest.  Highlights from the Museum exhibitions had to be Gallopoli in Minecraft, the Volcanoes and Weird and Wonderful

A huge thank you to our wonderful parent helpers who could help us on our trip today.  Our trip would never have been possible without your support!

Also, a big thanks to the children of Room 21 for your impressive behaviour and energy throughout the day.  You represented MVS in the most wonderful way - you can be very proud of yourselves.

Check out the photos below of us enjoying our day!