Monday, May 11, 2015

We're all in this together...

Learning is a journey.  There is always something new to learn each day.  We all aspire to different things. We can all set goals and achieve our dreams.

Dream BIG      Set Goals           Take Action

Room 21 are reviewing our learning goals and setting new ones. We decided that we're a team and that we're all in this together.  My goal could be different to yours or it may be the same. We began to wonder could we work together to achieve our goals?  

The first part of our process was to create a personalised stick figure to represent ourselves.  We put on our creative hats and 'went to town'.  Check out the photos below of us working together to achieve the common goal of creating our stick figure.  We had to use our problem solving skills just to create our stick figures as they were joined together! 

Stay tuned for more updates on our actual goals and how we're going to achieve them.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea Mrs Whitehead! Life is all about setting goals and working towards achieving them. You may like to see this YouTube clip by Claudia Batten - - she is an Kiwi who has gone on to do EXCEPTIONALLY well in the US. She tells us that it's ok to achieve your goals along the squiggly line. Let me know what you think? :)
