Thursday, May 14, 2015

Homework Sharing 15/5/15

What a wonderful homework sharing time we had today.  It was filled with exciting learning including quizzes about the human body, whacky facts, science experiments, book reviews and volcanoes!

Thank you to all the children for their amazing efforts you have put into your homework this past fortnight.  Your efforts are very much appreciated and I hope you feel as proud of yourselves as I am of you when you present your work.

Remember to keep filling out your reading logs each day and to try to take on some extra responsibility for your learning by doing one extra thing a week to further your learning.

Check out these photos below.  They certainly show the high standard some children are completing their homework with!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome work for a really awesome topic this term! Well done everyone! And to you Mrs Whitehead - you are very inspirational!
    Have a super weekend!
