Sunday, June 7, 2015

Co-operative Learning

In Writing this week, we are learning the correct structure for an Explanation Report.  We decided to focus on co-operative learning and work in small groups to learn about how Wild Weather works.

We got into six groups of five and began by working together to brainstorm the key points from the Wild Weather book our group was given.  Each person was responsible at some stage during the process to read, highlight key points and write the key points onto the group's brainstorm.  Our goal was to work together cooperatively and to make sure each person was responsible for their role in order to help the group succeed.

Our brainstorm included sub-headings about specific types of weather, e.g dust storms, hails storms and heat waves.  Once our brainstorm is complete, we will use it to individually complete an explanation report to show our understanding of how wild weather works.

Check out the photos below of us working cooperatively....

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