Monday, June 29, 2015

Maths - Measuring using non-standard units

Today in Maths we looked at how we usually measure objects using standard units of measure (e.g, minutes, cm, mm, litres, kg etc).

We then thought about how we could measure objects using non-standard units.  What are non-standard units?  We decided it could be things like pens, pencils, our feet or hands, anything really.

We then took up the challenge to measure 6 objects using non standard units.
We had to measure:

Length - how long is it?
Capacity - how much does it hold?
Area - how big is it?
Perimeter - how long along the edge is it?
Time - how long does it take?
Weight - how heavy is it?

It was neat to see the children thinking of different ways to measure.  For example, time could be counted in 1 marshmallow, 2 marshmallow.  Length was measured using maths books or whiteboard dusters. Capacity was measure by ice-cream sticks or dominoes.  Area and Perimeter was measure using our own feet!  The children loved this activity and the conversations related to the topic were interesting (and amusing) to listen to.

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