Monday, July 27, 2015

Dancing Week 2

It's that time again...time to put on your dancing shoes.  Wow!  We certainly are getting into the dancing and grabbing this opportunity with both hands.  This week we continued to fine tune the Rock n Roll dance and the Change your partner dance.  We also began learning the Fox Trot.  And, of course, finishing with the Cha-Cha Slide is always a highlight.  Keep up all your hard work and energy Room 21 - you are all doing extremely well!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Learning Tai Chi with Miss Xie

As part of our Culture Unit this term, we have been lucky enough to have the expertise of Miss Xie come and teach us some Mandarin and Tai Chi.  Today was our first lesson.

We learnt that Tai Chi originated as a strong martial art for defending and fighting.  It has developed into a sport and is great for developing a healthy body.  Tai Chi involves standing, dynamic, fast and slow movements.  It builds strength and energy in your muscles.  Tai Chi masters believe that the mind communicates with the energy and the energy moves the body (rather than the muscles).

What an amazing learning opportunity - thank you so much Miss Xie.  We can't wait for our second lesson next week!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Helping Room 2

Today we were able to 'fill the buckets' of Mrs Martelli and the children of Room 2 by helping them get ready for their 100 day party on Thursday.  Room 21 you did such a wonderful job helping organise the party decorations.  It would have been a mammoth job to say the least without your help.  The old saying, 'many hands make light work' certainly rang true today.  Room 2 we hope you have a fabulous day on Thursday.  We hope you can share how the day went sometime soon.


Check out these photos of Room 21 enjoying their first dance lesson with the U Can 2 Dance Studio.  We learnt three dances in our first lesson - the Cha-Cha Slide, the Rock n Roll basics, and the Change Partner dance.  There were plenty of smiles and laughs and we're certainly looking forward to learning more and more over the next 5 weeks!