Monday, July 20, 2015

Welcome to Term 3

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to Term 3.  I hope you and your wonderful family had a nice, restful holiday.  The children in Room 21 shared their holiday adventures and it sounds like everyone had a highlight!

Term 3 is underway and it's looks like a really great one ahead.  Our Integrated Topic this Term is Culture and Dance.  We are really looking forward to learning about all the different cultures in our classroom and from around the world.  Yesterday we talked about our Class Cultural Dinner Book we'll be starting in a few weeks time.  Each child is going to help make a special dish that reflects their culture and heritage, take photos of the process and put all the information into a class book. Then they will present their dinner to the class.  We have also had our first of 6 dance lessons with the U Can Dance 2 Studio.  See the next post for some photos.

Just a few reminders for the start of the term:

Last term we sent home a notice requesting any spare newspapers you may have at home to be sent to school for our Art programme.  Thank you so much to the parents who have sent some in already - much appreciated.  If you have any, please send them in asap.

The PTA's big fundraiser this term is the Math-a-thon.  On the last day of school your child will have brought home the question sheet with the facts to learn (all which line up with the Year 6 National Standards).  We will be having our test on Friday morning, so please encourage your child to learn the facts, collect sponsors and return the sponsor sheet on Thursday or Friday this week.  After the test I will enter the children's score on their sheet and they can take it home to collect their sponsorship money.  Please return this to school asap.

Our Team Newsletter will be going out this week with all the information you need regarding Term 3.  Please ensure your child's activity fee ($21.50) is paid promptly in the first few weeks - much appreciated!

I'm really looking forward to our Parent / Teacher interviews next Thursday. Thanks to those parents who have booked a time already.  If you haven't had a chance, please do so.  It is wonderful to discuss with you and your child the progress they are making.

Don't forget the Year 6 team go to camp in Term 4.  Later in the term we will hold an information evening all about camp.  If you need to organise automatic payments to help pay the amount off in small installments, please don't hesitate to contact Kim Cowsill in the office.

If you have any questions or queries, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Here's to an exciting term of learning!

Mrs Kim Whitehead

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