Thursday, February 18, 2016

Breakers Coaching Programme

Today was our first of four sessions with Lawrence from the NZ Breakers.  Wow!  Were we excited!  Once again this programme brings together the perfect mix of goal setting and reflecting with the practical skills of basketball.

Today's physical focus was learning the role of a passer, a defender, and a receiver.  From the simple game of 'piggy in the middle', our skills in these three areas improved in only 45 minutes.

We looked at what each role needs to do to be successful.

Our receivers would look at the passer, try to move away from the defender, have their hands out and call for the ball when they are ready to catch the ball.  Our receivers also had to have 'active feet'.

Our passers had to keep looking at the receiver and decide listen for when it was time to pass.

The defenders learnt to defend on the side of the receiver, thus, being able to see both the passer and the receiver.  Like the receivers, they needed to have 'active feet'.

Check out these photos below of us enjoying our coaching session and stay tuned for our next three sessions...

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