Thursday, February 4, 2016

Class of 2016

Welcome to Room 21 in 2016!

How exciting that another year of fun and learning in Room 21 has begun.

We've had a wonderful start to the year with the class settling well.  We have 27 gems in Room 21 this year and already there is a a happy buzz within the classroom.  We have such a lovely bunch of children in Room 21 and I;m really looking forward to joining them on their learning journey this year.

This term's topic is Hauora and well-being.  Initially we'll be focusing on what it means to be an active learner, and establishing our routines in the classroom.  We'll create a class treaty that ensure we treat each other with care and respect.  We'll also look into the characteristics of a good friend, and how sometimes it can be hard making the right decision,. From here we will move into cyber safety and how we can protect ourselves on line.  We plan to take a look at how devastating cyber bullying can be.

We're looking forward to a fantastic year and we encourage you to be a part of it.  We would love you to visit the classroom when you can and take a look at what your child is learning.  Hopefully you'll also be able to have lots of discussions at home with your child about their learning, their goals and their achievements.

Check the the beautiful / handsome faces below of the amazing people who make up our classroom this year.

And Remember....."Life Begins at the End of your Comfort Zone"

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