Thursday, May 19, 2016

Floating fizzy drinks experiment

Today's fun class experiment was trying to find out why some fizzy drink can float?

We got into small groups and tried to see which cans would float and which ones would sink in a bucket of water.  We used a variety of drinks - coke, diet coke, fanta, lemonade and mountain dew.

We began by making predictions about which drinks we thought would float and which ones we thought would sink.  We then carried out the experiment and recorded our results.

We found that in most cases it was only the diet coke that floated, while all the other drinks sank to the bottom.  We had to think about why this might have happened.  We decided it was due to the amount of sugar in each can.  When we looked at the sugar content in the drinks, the diet coke had much less sugar and that is why it floated.

It certainly made us think about how much sugar is in fizzy drinks and why they should only be had a special treats occasionally!

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