Sunday, May 1, 2016

Welcome to Term 2

Welcome back everyone!  I do hope you had a wonderful break with your family.  The children shared some wonderful holiday stories this morning.  It was fantastic to see their enthusiasm and smiles on their faces as they talked about their highlights.

Term 2 has arrived and we are very excited thinking ahead about our learning over the next 10 weeks.
Inquiry Unit this term is all based around Science.  Let's Get Experimental should really excite us. Hopefully the science experiments we will be conducting will not only be fun and exciting, but generate lots of discussion and learning also.

In PE, we will begin our Winter Sports unit (including basketball, netball, touch rugby and soccer). Lunchtime sports will be soccer this term and we're hoping we can have another successful term having won the Term 1 competition in softball.

In Reading, we will continue to delve into a variety of worlds through the novels we will read in our guided reading groups.  We will focus on predicting, asking questions, summarising and identifying the main idea.

In Writing, we will look at integrating our Science experiments, as well as continuing with 'Word of the Week' and using our imaginations for some creative writing challenges.

In Maths we will develop our multiplication and division strategies to solve a variety of problems, as well as looking at Fractions and Measurement later in the term

It should be an exciting term!

Have Term 2 everyone!

Remember....'Life begins at the end of your comfort zone!'

Mrs Kim Whitehead

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