Monday, June 13, 2016

Collaborative Learning using Google Docs

We're excited this week to be starting to use our Google Doc accounts to assist us with our learning.

We decided to do a Writing project in small groups of 4.  Our mission: To write an information report that explains how the venom from a poisonous creature works.  We want to find out as many exciting facts as we can about our creature. We also want to find out what happens first when someone is bitten, How does the creature's venom work? Does it affect the nervous system? The bloodstream? Or something else?

Each group has the use of two laptops and can research information for their report together.  It is fantastic to see the groups adding information all at the same time.  They will then use this research to complete their own information report.

The groups have chosen a range of interesting creatures including - blue bottle jellyfish, black widow, poisonous dart frog, komodo dragon, black venom, blue ringed octopus and more.

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