Sunday, June 19, 2016

Year 6 Transition Afternoon 20th June

Today was the second transition afternoon for our year 6 children.  This is a valuable chance for our year 6 students to experience the many wonderful experiences they will be given next year in our Intermediate department.

The children just love these afternoons.  They always come back buzzing from the lessons.  In each of the afternoons the classes are involved in a variety of activities including drama, art, coding, E-Pro challenges (technology), Science, PE, and cooking.

A reminder that the Year 5/6 Parent Meeting about our transition to Year 7/8 in this Thursday in the FLS at 5.30pm.  It is a wonderful opportunity to see forst hand what being a Year 7/8 student at MVS will be like.  We hope to see you all there.  If you are unable to attend for any reason and would like any information to help you with your decision, please contact Mrs Bergin-Stuart in the school office.  She will be more than happy to help you.

Check out these photos below of Room 21 enjoying coding, drama, cooking in the kitchen and art.

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