Thursday, October 13, 2016

Senior Assembly Certificate Winners Term 4 Week 1

Senior Assembly Certificate Winners Week 1

Congratulations to the following children for winning the class certificates.

Madison, for the excellent effort you have put into your learning all year. You are organised, motivated, and reflective. Well done - keep it up!

 Penny, for all the the time and effort you have put into writing and creating your 'Crash Landing' novel. It's an exciting read and your published little book looks impressive!

Stephanie, for the support you have been giving our new student this week. Your kindness and patience has been greatly appreciated!

We would also like to congratulate Stephanie and Bree for achieving a 'Credit' in the Australian Schools Maths competition...

...and a huge congratulations to Daniel and Jacob for achieving a 'Distinction' in their Australian Schools Maths competition - WOW!!!

Way to go Robert for winning one of the Chocolate fundraiser spot prizes - happy shopping!!!!

And lucky last.......

Our class was also awarded the Lunchtime Sports Crown for Term 3 (Netball) - very proud - well done team!!!!!!!!

What an amazingly successful assembly for our class!

Looks like ice-cream all round for you guys tonight!

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