Monday, October 10, 2016

Welcome to Term 4

Welcome back everyone!  I really hope you had a wonderful two week break with your family.  Even though the weather wasn't quite what we would have ordered, I still hope you managed to get out and about and spend some quality time together.

I was so excited to see the children back on Monday morning - they were buzzing about their holiday adventures.  It was neat to listen to the fun activities they had been up to.

It's going to be another wonderful term in Room 21.

Obviously Camp has everyone bubbling with excitement!!!  Bring it on!!!!  Can't wait!!!!!

In Writing we'll be looking at writing narratives (so using lots of our imagination).  We'll also spend some time focusing on poetry.  The class are quite excited about making turning their 'Crash Landing' novels into little published books - hopefully we can share them with one of our junior classes and feel like real authors!

In Reading, we will be continuing with our group novels and focussing on making connections, summarising and predicting.

In Maths, we will return to addition and subtraction and consolidating the variety of strategies we need to solve word problems.  Later in the term we will also look at Geometry.

In Ar, we will continue making our South American paper mache masks.  Today some of the children were able to cut their masks in half and begin painting the base colour (see photos below).  Our next step will be to draw on our creative designs and paint them using vibrant colours.

I'm sure Term 4 will fly by (but hopefully not too fast - I don't want to think about having to say au revoir to this class!!!).

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