Sunday, November 27, 2016

Team Oldham Values Assembly Week 8 Term 4

Every fortnight we award the children who have been displaying a specific quality of Marina View School.  This term we are focusing on Cooperative Learning.

Congratulations to Anastasia Trajkov and Jaden Ng who received their Values Awards this fortnight.

A special congratulations to Jonnie Phillips for being awarded the 'Active Leaner Award' Trophy for showing the many wonderful qualities of an active learner this past fortnight.

We also had some class certificates to hand out:

Congratulations to the following children for winning the class certificates.

Helen, for your positive attitude towards learning. You are trying so hard in all curriculum areas. Well done - keep it up!

 Claudia, for constantly displaying active learner qualities. - you're organised, focused, work cooperatively, and you complete your work to the best of your ability.

Jacob, for all the support you are kindly giving to our new Chinese student. Your patience and efforts are greatly appreciated.

Jason, Welcome to Marina View School. You have made a positive start to school in New Zealand.

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