Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Year 5 and 6 Prize Giving 6/12

Congratulations to all the children who have received awards today.  You are all thoroughly deserving of your awards.  

Thank you to all the children of Room 21 for making our Prize Giving today such a special moment in time. I am extremely grateful to have taught you this year and I am very proud of every single one of you. You are an exceptional class, who I know will go on to achieve great things in life.

Room 21 Effort and Improvement:
Bree Souster and Robert Covich

Room 21 Excellence and Achievement:
Madison De Wet and Daniel Leece

P.E Certificate of Participation:
Cameron Scott

P.E Excellence:
Jonnie Phillips

Year 6 Cross Country (Boys):
Cameron Scott

Year 6 Cross Country (Girls):
Bree Souster

Music Excellence Trophy:
Chloe Rogers

Maths Trophy:
Jacob Wang

Inquiry Trophy:
Daniel Leece

ESOL Improvement:
Victoria Duarte

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