Thursday, February 12, 2015

Homework Sharing 13/2/15

We had our first Homework sharing today and it was so pleasing to see the quality of learning that has been going on at home in the past two weeks.  The most popular was the New Zealand Quiz and the Cooking Challenges.  

It was also pleasing to see so many children showing their organisational skills and being totally responsible for their Reading Logs.  A reminder to make sure your child reads everyday for at least 15 minutes.  It can be any kind of reading material, a novel, a magazine, non-fiction, anything that tickles their fancy and gets them exploring the world and their imagination with a book.  You can even read with or to them.  Reading together is such a precious time.  Please also remember that the children need to write this up each day and have it signed by a parent.

The next round of fortnightly homework begins on Monday 16th February.  Your child now has their AWS Maths Homework book and they are required to complete pages each homework block.

If you have any questions, queries, or concerns over homework, please don't hesitate to contact me via email at: 

Below are some of the amazing efforts of homework this round!  You'll see why it was an absolute pleasure to mark!  Way to go team!!!  Keep it up!!!

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