Monday, February 16, 2015

Self Portraits - Art

On Tuesday 17th February we began our Self Portraits project for Art.  We are focusing on sketching.  We had photos taken of our beautiful faces and then Mrs Whitehead cut them in half (that was a weird feeling chopping your faces in half I can tell you).

We looked very carefully at the shape of our faces, excluding our hair.  Using the end of our pencil we traced around the shape on the paper and then in the air, committing the shape to memory.  Next we attempted to sketch that shape in our sketch book next to one half of our face (see pictures below).  We measured points on our faces.  This helped us to form the shape accurately.  We also looked at taking measurements for the eyes, nose and mouth - all to help with the symmetry and to make our face look right.  With the tricky task of the face complete, it was time to attempt our eye.  Another tricky challenge, but we were up to it!

Check out the photos below of us beginning our self portrait draft sketches.  The hardest part was probably trusting ourselves to start!  We'll keep you posted on our progress and soon we will be able to show you the finished product.

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