Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Megan's Homework Challenge - NZ Quiz

Check out these pictures below of Megan's very creative and very popular NZ Quiz (with a twist) for one of her Rich Task Homework Challenges.

Megan researched a range of interesting facts about New Zealand.  After organising the class into teams, she explained the rules. She had made questions cards, a score card and a coloured flag for each team. The clever twist for her quiz, was that she didn't ask a question for the participants to answer - instead she gave the participants the answer and they had to think of the answer!

What a fun and novel way to learn Megan, thank you so much for sharing your creativeness with us.  Perhaps the most exciting part was rewarding second place with a lollipop (wrapped lovingly with ribbon and a paper trophy in the shape of the number 2) and for the first place winners a yummy chocolate bar (also lovingly wrapped in gold ribbon)!

I wonder if anyone else in Room 21 will be inspired by this creativeness in their own rick tasks?  

1 comment:

  1. This is such a fun way to learn and build confidence too. We didn't do such cool stuff when I was at school! Good job Meg!
