Thursday, March 26, 2015

Homework Sharing

We've had another amazing round of homework sharing today.  From How things work to Book Reviews to incredible models.  Well done on your efforts Room 21.  Keep up the great work next term everyone.

Make a Wish Foundation Mufti Day Fundraiser

Wow!  What a colour explosion we had at Marina View School on Friday!  Thanks to teh Year 7/8 leaders who organised a mufti day for our school to raise funds for the very worthy Make a Wish Foundation.  Room 21 really got into the spirit and exploded with colour.  We had a great day dressed in mufti and to top it all off some of us got to enjoy a pizza for lunch!  Thanks MVS PTA!!  Check out the hilarious photos below of us in our mufti!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


As you know, each week Room 21 hosts Game of the Week for MVTV.  This means we teach the whole school a fun fitness game to play during class fitness, as a warm up game at the start of a PE lesson, or a fun game to play at lunchtime with your friends.

Last week, room 21 was invited to be the hosts of the show!   So exciting!  It is wonderful to see so many children enthusiastic to volunteer to be a host on the show.  It's not as easy as the children make it look I can assure you.  Well done Room 21.  I'm sure there will be many opportunities over the year to be an integral part of the MVTV crew.

Senior Athletics Certificate Assembly

On Wednesday 25th March, it was time to recognise all our children who had achieved at the Senior School Athletics.  Congratulations to all the children below who flew the Room 21 flag and did us proud on the day!  You rock!!

Also, a special congratulations to Janalee and Anandi on receiving a class certificate at this special assembly.
Janalee, your imagination and effort that went into creating your magical maze with hazards and obstacles was sensational!

Anandi, you display so many of the important qualities of an active learner which makes you an absolute treausre to teach.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Homework and Spelling Sharing

This morning was a really lovely opportunity to observe my class with their spelling and homework challenges.  It was a pleasure marking their homework books and seeing how much effort and energy has gone into some of the projects.  Again, the quiz and coking challenges are proving popular, but it has been great to see the 'How things work' and 'Models' challenges making more and more appearances.  It is so interesting to learn how bike pumps, bikes and even electric toothbrushes really operate.  Not to mention the time and skill that goes into making the models - outstanding, gold medal efforts everyone!

I also really enjoyed marking some of the reading logs.  It is so impressive to see a number of children reading lots at home, filling out their reading logs and having their parents sign it.  I know it can be a big job, but it certainly is appreciated.

Each week we also test ourselves on our weekly spelling words.  We have been keeping track of our weekly scores and it is neat to see how many children pride themselves on their perfect 10/10 scores each week.  Keep up all your hard work Room 21.

Breakers Basketball

Today was our last of 4 session with Ben.  It involved a 4 team tournament and was a great chance to see the skills we've developed over the past few weeks out on court in a game situation.

The children had a wonderful time and it was fabulous to see many wonderful qualities out on display - including determination, resilience, sportsmanship, encouragement, teamwork and many more.

Thanks so much to Ben from the Breakers for all the sessions you've taught with all year levels.  The children have gained many values and skills.  We are extremely lucky to have had you visit our school.  We certainly hope you can come back again next year!

Check out the photos below of us enjoying our last session and my personal favourite - our class photo with Ben :)