Monday, March 9, 2015

Written Language Week 6 Term 1

In Writing this week we have been learning to select words and phrases that add information and detail. We thought for this activity it would be fun to draw a picture of a monster / creature / character or scene and then try and describe it in 5-10 sentences.

The trick to this activity was once we were finished, we had to read our description to our buddy and they had to draw the picture using the information we gave them.

So how good were our descriptions?  Did our descriptions have enough detail in them for our buddy to draw the picture exactly like ours?  Check out the pictures below that show us during the writing process, describing our pictures to our buddies and sharing the end  product.

There was so much great learning going on in these 2 sessions.  The children were totally engaged in their learning and had an absolute ball comparing their pictures at the end.  Some ended up very close (showing our descriptions were 'on the money' as the saying goes and some were...well, we realised perhaps more precise detail needed to be given to help our buddy out).

It made us really think about author's have to be so careful and selective in their words they use to create images in the reader's mind.  What an eye opening learning curve this was and will no doubt help us in our writing all throughout the year.

Well done Room 21 - you did a fantastic job with this learning task.

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