Thursday, March 12, 2015

Homework and Spelling Sharing

This morning was a really lovely opportunity to observe my class with their spelling and homework challenges.  It was a pleasure marking their homework books and seeing how much effort and energy has gone into some of the projects.  Again, the quiz and coking challenges are proving popular, but it has been great to see the 'How things work' and 'Models' challenges making more and more appearances.  It is so interesting to learn how bike pumps, bikes and even electric toothbrushes really operate.  Not to mention the time and skill that goes into making the models - outstanding, gold medal efforts everyone!

I also really enjoyed marking some of the reading logs.  It is so impressive to see a number of children reading lots at home, filling out their reading logs and having their parents sign it.  I know it can be a big job, but it certainly is appreciated.

Each week we also test ourselves on our weekly spelling words.  We have been keeping track of our weekly scores and it is neat to see how many children pride themselves on their perfect 10/10 scores each week.  Keep up all your hard work Room 21.

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