Thursday, March 12, 2015

Breakers Basketball

Today was our last of 4 session with Ben.  It involved a 4 team tournament and was a great chance to see the skills we've developed over the past few weeks out on court in a game situation.

The children had a wonderful time and it was fabulous to see many wonderful qualities out on display - including determination, resilience, sportsmanship, encouragement, teamwork and many more.

Thanks so much to Ben from the Breakers for all the sessions you've taught with all year levels.  The children have gained many values and skills.  We are extremely lucky to have had you visit our school.  We certainly hope you can come back again next year!

Check out the photos below of us enjoying our last session and my personal favourite - our class photo with Ben :)

1 comment:

  1. That is a really awesome team pic! Nice work Mrs Whitehead! Thank you!
