Thursday, October 29, 2015

ICT with Mr Gover

What a fun way to start our Fantastic Friday!  Today's lesson started with a game of 'Who Am I?'  We randomly handed out our 'Who Am I?' Comics and had to guess whose was who.  There were some exciting comics and we particularly enjoyed looking at them and discussing what made each of them an impacting comic.

Next we discussed our project which will be a 4 page comic on an environmental issue that we are passionate about.  It could be about protecting an endangered NZ species (animal, plant or tree), it could be about saving an environment around NZ or the world.  It could also be about the importance of recycling or the benefits of being sustainable.

Mr Gover is back first thing in Monday morning, so over the weekend we are going to work on our list of possible areas to research.  We each need a list of at least 10.  On Monday morning, one of those ideas will be highlighted and we will begin preparing our comic to tell the our important story.

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