Thursday, October 22, 2015

Our First e-learning lesson with Mr Gover (Wahoo)

Today was a very exciting day!  For the next 6 weeks, Mr Gover will be coming into our class to teach us some amazing new skills in e-learning.

As part of our Sustainability unit this term, the children will be learning how to make a comic strip using the programme, Comic Life, about a topic they are passionate about that relates to helping our environment.

Today we learnt the basics and our challenge over the next week is to create...

A one page comic about yourself, but the catch can't have your name in it.  Why you ask? Well, this is the fun part - next week after Mrs Whitehead has printed them all out, we will mix them up and hand them out during our next lesson.  Your job will be to see if the comic you're reading tells a good story and work out who the comic was written by.

The comic will tell a story about yourself.  It has to include things you like and don't like, you also have to include speech bubbles to help you tell the story. So how clever can you be?  Can you put in hints to let the reader guess it's you without giving it away too quickly?  There's your challenge Room 21 - go to it!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun is being had by all! LOL!! Megan wearing her homework!!!! Hahahaha
