Monday, October 12, 2015

Welcome to Term 4

Welcome to Term 4 friends and family of Room 21.  I trust you all had a relaxing and fun-filled holiday with your loved ones.

Term 4, like all the rest, is going to be action packed and full of excitement, adventure, and great learning.

Camp is perhaps the most talked about event this week already.  We are SOOOO looking forward to it.  Camps are such a valuable experience for the children - a chance for them to step out of their comfort zones and experience the thrill that adventure brings.

We're looking forward to investigating what Sustainability is for our Inquiry this term and what we can do to care for our home, school, local and global environments.  We have already looked at what it means to be sustainable and have identified how our school is trying to be more sustainable (recycling, worm farm, vegetable garden etc).

In Reading, we will continue to enjoy shared novels.  The Fruit Bursts and Kit Kats are almost finished their novels, Dragon Rider and The Castle of Mirrors.  The Jellybeans are totally intrigued with The Loblolly Boy and the Marshmallows are about to delve into the crazy world of Jesse and Harry from Average Primary School.  They have adventures like no other and this time have invented a Time Machine!

In PE, we will be looking at a range of skills needed for a variety of Summer Sports and we will continue our Year 6 Syndicate Sports competition on Thursday mornings.  Which team will take out Term 4?

In Art, we will complete our cultural masks from last term.  Check out the photos below of us making great progress on them.

Here's to a brilliant last term of 2015 Room 21!

Remember - Life begins at the end of your comfort zone!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update Mrs Whitehead! Enjoy the last term of 2015!!
