Thursday, August 27, 2015

Inquiry Project Update

We've certainly raked up the air points these past few weeks!  And with it we have accumulated some amazing knowledge about a variety of different countries around the world.

Did you know....

The United States of America has a third of the world's population - Liam and Alex.
Italy is well known for their manufacturing of fast cars - Prathna and Shihoo.
Pavlova is a famous dessert in New Zealand - Kirsten and Sarah.
Egypt is said to have invented bowling - Megan and Tyler.
Japan's most popular manga is called Death Note (Japanese comic book).
The Capital of Wales is Cardiff and in Welsh 'carrots' are called 'morons' - Cerys.
South Africa has three capitals - Cape Town, Pretoria and Bloemfontein - Amina and Stephanie.
New Zealand's native bird is called the kiwi and it is a flightless bird.  The word 'kiwi' is also slang for a New Zealander - Josh and Levi.
France's population is 66.8 million! - Adam and Dante.
Samoa's national flag displays the Southern Cross and the blue is said to represent freedom and the red means courage, as well as being a traditional Samoan colour - Tay and Trae.
Japan is famous for making a variety of animations and cartoons - Kent and Hugo.
New Zealand has more sheep that people! - Paige and Kayla.
The Eiffel Tower was originally meant for Barcelona in Spain, but the project was rejected and is now in Paris, France - Janalee and Anandi.
The colours on India's national flag has special meaning. Orange means courage and sacrifice, white means purity and truth and green means faith and fertility - Angel.

Check out the photos below of the amazing posters that are on display in our classroom if you'd like a closer look.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Cross Country Results

Congratulations to everyone in Room 21 for completing the Cross Country today!  You have all trained so hard and today it was fantastic to see you out there giving it your all!  Let's be honest, Cross Country isn't everyone's 'cup of tea', as they say, but I am very proud of your positive attitudes towards training and the big race day.  You can be so proud of yourselves, as I am incredibly proud of you all!

A special mention to the following children who achieved excellent results....

Shihoo - 2nd
Chloe - 3rd
Cerys - 4th
Janalee - 10th
Tyler - 11th
Sarah - 12th

Trae - 1st
Josh - 2nd
Levi - 3rd
(Wahoo - clean sweep of the podium spots - awesome!!!!)
Cole - equal 7th
Dante - 10th
Kent - 13th
Tay - 14th

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Welcome Whaea Lisa

Today we welcomed Whaea Lisa into Room 21.  She will be taking specialist Te Reo Maori lessons every Monday for the rest of the term.

Today's lesson was filled with singing and action songs that taught the children simple common phrases in Maori.  It was neat to see the children trying out the language and supporting each other with their new learning.

Whaea Lisa is one of the best Story Tellers I know and she finished the session off with a fun story for the class about Hatupatu.

We look forward to many more exciting Te Reo lessons with Whaea Lisa!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Senior Assembly Week 5 - Class Certificates

Senior Assembly Certificate Winners Week 5

Congratulations to Shihoo and Ayane for winning the class certificates.

Shihoo, for your attention to detail when creating your Pacific Islands inspired calendar art.  It could easily hang in an Art Gallery.

Ayane, for the creativity you have shown when creating your Pacific Islands calendar art.  Your hibiscus flower is truly stunning.

And a special congratulations to Janalee for correctly guessing how many jaffas were in the jar for the Cure Kids Red Nose Day Competition.  Don't eat them all this weekend, lol!

Looks like ice-cream (and jaffas) all round for you guys tonight!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Inquiry Project - Researching a Country of our Choice

Over the past few weeks, we have been working in pairs to research a country and its culture from around the globe.  As a class we described what our success criteria would be (what our inquiry project would include).  It has been really fantastic to see the children totally engaged in their research projects.

It almost feels like we have all been travelling around the world with all the new learning we have been discovering.  We've been to New Zealand, Samoa, America, Japan, Wales, South Africa, Spain and Italy, just to name a few.

We are looking forward to presenting our projects to the class and sharing our learning.  Check out these photos below of us working on our projects.