Thursday, August 13, 2015

Homework Sharing Week 4

Wow!  What a way to start our Homework Sharing this term!

In the first few weeks, we focused on our speeches with great results.  There were some amazing speeches and the quality of many of them were very impressive!  I particularly loved the strong and important messages of so many of them.

Today, we shared in groups and each group chose one person with exceptional homework to sahre with teh class.  .

Tyler shared her family tree and her special focus on her Mother's job was really, really interesting! The children were enthralled with what her Mother does each day as a Scientist at the Micro Biology Lab at the Auckland Hospital.

Lee made an outstanding model of a Maori Pa.  He used modelling clay, ice block sticks, a few toothpicks, flax for the roof, and a sushi roll.  He also shared some interesting facts about Maori Pa's and how they protected themselves from enemies.

Alex, Josh, and Cole also shared their very interesting cultural quizzes that really tested our knowledge and gave lots of us some new learning.

Great effort Room 21 - you've set the bar high for the standard of homework this term - keep up all your great efforts.  It really is appreciated.  Remember to keep filling in your reading log each night too!

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