Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Cross Country Results

Congratulations to everyone in Room 21 for completing the Cross Country today!  You have all trained so hard and today it was fantastic to see you out there giving it your all!  Let's be honest, Cross Country isn't everyone's 'cup of tea', as they say, but I am very proud of your positive attitudes towards training and the big race day.  You can be so proud of yourselves, as I am incredibly proud of you all!

A special mention to the following children who achieved excellent results....

Shihoo - 2nd
Chloe - 3rd
Cerys - 4th
Janalee - 10th
Tyler - 11th
Sarah - 12th

Trae - 1st
Josh - 2nd
Levi - 3rd
(Wahoo - clean sweep of the podium spots - awesome!!!!)
Cole - equal 7th
Dante - 10th
Kent - 13th
Tay - 14th

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting these stunning pictures for us Mrs Whitehead! So glad it didn't rain!
