Thursday, August 27, 2015

Inquiry Project Update

We've certainly raked up the air points these past few weeks!  And with it we have accumulated some amazing knowledge about a variety of different countries around the world.

Did you know....

The United States of America has a third of the world's population - Liam and Alex.
Italy is well known for their manufacturing of fast cars - Prathna and Shihoo.
Pavlova is a famous dessert in New Zealand - Kirsten and Sarah.
Egypt is said to have invented bowling - Megan and Tyler.
Japan's most popular manga is called Death Note (Japanese comic book).
The Capital of Wales is Cardiff and in Welsh 'carrots' are called 'morons' - Cerys.
South Africa has three capitals - Cape Town, Pretoria and Bloemfontein - Amina and Stephanie.
New Zealand's native bird is called the kiwi and it is a flightless bird.  The word 'kiwi' is also slang for a New Zealander - Josh and Levi.
France's population is 66.8 million! - Adam and Dante.
Samoa's national flag displays the Southern Cross and the blue is said to represent freedom and the red means courage, as well as being a traditional Samoan colour - Tay and Trae.
Japan is famous for making a variety of animations and cartoons - Kent and Hugo.
New Zealand has more sheep that people! - Paige and Kayla.
The Eiffel Tower was originally meant for Barcelona in Spain, but the project was rejected and is now in Paris, France - Janalee and Anandi.
The colours on India's national flag has special meaning. Orange means courage and sacrifice, white means purity and truth and green means faith and fertility - Angel.

Check out the photos below of the amazing posters that are on display in our classroom if you'd like a closer look.

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