Sunday, August 16, 2015

Art Day

Monday was Art day.  A day to become totally immersed in the design and creation of our Pacific Island Calendar Art.  They children had a very productive day and really enjoyed the chance to solely focus on their designs for long periods of time.  Ask your children what butterflies have to do with art and their pencil ;)

Step One (and possibly the hardest), was to rule up the border for our Pacific Island Pattern.  It was quite tricky trying to work out exactly how big our squares for the border should be.  We didn't want them to be too big, but at the same time we didn't want it to be too small.

Step Two, was copying our design into the squares, thinking carefully about symmetry and attention to detail.

Step Three, was to vivid over our pencil motifs to make them stand out.

Step four, begin our hibiscus flower, remembering Mrs Winters' tips on drawing the perfect flower.  'Movement, movement, movement'.

Step five, using pastels and bright, vibrant colours, colour and shade our beautiful hibiscus flower.

Step six, stand back and admire our work!  Share our work with each other and give each other positive feedback on their designs.

Step seven, encourage our Whanau to buy a calendar, or a diary, or some cards, or a mouse pad or a sketch pad with our incredible design on it!

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