Monday, November 9, 2015

Visit from the Ministry of Fisheries

Thanks to Mrs Lydiard the Year 6 children were privileged enough to attend an informative talk about how the Ministry of Fisheries promotes sustainability in our environment.

We learnt so much about recreational, commercial and customary fishing today.

The Ministry of Fisheries main objective is to ensure that all fisherman are abiding by the rules. Why?  Quite simply to ensure that our future generations are able to enjoy the sport and recreation of fishing just like we can now. They do this by going out on boats, beaches and boat ramps checking the numbers (quota) and size of the fish people are catching.

We learnt that there are different rues for different species and this is because different species grow at different rates and reproduce at different stages in their life span.

After the fun quiz (which included chocolate fish as a prize to each correct question - always a winner), the children were able to practice measuring a range of fish and shell fish.  They will each bring home an information brochure to share with their families to ensure when they ever go fishing they are being sustainable and responsible.

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