Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Week 7 Certificates

Senior Assembly Certificate Winners Week 7

Congratulations to the following children for winning the class certificates.

Stephanie, for your passion and energy that you have put into your Comic Life project to encourage the protection of our native bird - the kiwi.

Cole, for your passion and enthusiasm that you have put into your Comic Life project to encourage the protection of the turtles.

Sarah, for trying to use a range of strategies during problem solving in Maths and discussing your thinking with your group more.

Hugo, for your passion and energy to present a powerful Comic Life project on the importance of Sustainability.

Prathna, for your improved focus towards learning. It is wonderful to see you displaying the qualities of an active learner.

Also, congratulations to Trae, Cerys and Paige for their contributions to the Year 5/6 Touch Team at yesterday's tournament.

Looks like ice-cream all round for you guys tonight!

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