Thursday, March 10, 2016

Kia Kaha - Constable Lorena's first visit

Today we had our first session with Constable Lorena.  We began the session talking about what effects bullying can have on us and who we can talk to if we think we're being bullied.  We knew we could talk to our parents, our teachers, and our friends that we trust.

It was important to reinforce the learning we had done over our Personal Shields.  When we created our shields we looked at what made us special and unique.  It's important to remember these qualities that make us who we are when we feel like people are hurting us.

We talked about how we need to show respect to everyone, even if they're not necessarily our friends. It's important to always treat people the way we want to be treated.  We need to be accepting of all people and appreciate our differences.  We tries to imagine a world where everyone is exactly the same and we decided that that would be a very boring place.

We talked about the type of people who tend to be bullies and what type of person might get bullied.

We looked into the body language of a confident person.  What differences do we notice when we see a shy person and a confident person walking around.  And how we can help each be more confident.

It's also really important to look at everyone's point of view.  There are many roles in a bullying situation including the bully, the person being bullied and the by-standers.  In small groups we discussed what options can these people do to make the situation better?  The scenario we looked at generated an excellent discussion. See the photo below of our great ideas.

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