Sunday, March 6, 2016

Senior Assembly Certificates - Week 6

Senior Assembly Certificate Winners Week 5

This week's Senior Assembly was a special one for Room 21 as we were the Hosts!

What an amazing effort you all put in Room 21!  I was extremely proud of how hard you worked all week and when it was showtime, all that hard work sure paid off!

Everyone performed perfectly during the class musical item. 
Our presenters were confident and clear when introducing items.
Our actors and actresses in our role plays were fabulous!

Everyone played their part and made it a fantastic first Senior Assembly for 2016.

Congratulations to the following children for winning the class certificates.

Cindy, for your passion and energy that you put into learning.  You are a real gem in our classroom.

Victoria, for the effort you always put into your learning and for always doing your very best in everything that you do.

Looks like ice-cream all round for you guys tonight!

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