Thursday, March 31, 2016

Senior Assembly Certificates Week 9

Senior Assembly Certificate Winners Week 9

Congratulations to the following children for winning the class certificates.

Carter, for your motivation and enthusiasm to complete your Maths Rich Task and your ability to share your strategies with confidence.

Robert, for the imagination and creativity you've used to create your Magical Maze.  It is outstanding!

Also, a huge congratulations to the following students who received their Senior Athletics Awards today....

Bree: 1st 50m, 1st 100m, 1st 400m, 1st Long Jump, 3rd High Jump

Madison: 2nd 50m, 2nd 100m, 2nd Long Jump, 3rd 400m

Anastasia: 2nd High Jump

Daniel: 1st 50m, 1st 100m, 1st 400m, 1st Long Jump, 1st High Jump, 2,d Softball Throw

Ryan: 2nd 50m, 2nd 100m, 3rd 100m, 2nd Long Jump, 2nd High Jump, 

Cameron: 2nd 400m, 3rd 50m, 3rd Long Jump

Jonnie: 1st Softball Throw, 3rd 100m, 3rd High Jump

Looks like ice-cream all round for you guys tonight!

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