Monday, March 7, 2016

Kia Kaha - Our Waka

As part of our Inquiry Learning, we have been taking part in the Kia Kaha Programme.

We have been discussing how we can make our classroom and safe and happy place for us to all learn in.  We thought about how if we stand strong for what we believe in and respect others and their views, then our mana will increase.  Our classroom will also be a nicer, more pleasant place.

We then talked about how everyone in the class has strengths and qualities and how we can all pull together to make the class strong and happy.  We brainstormed what these qualities are and came up with some great ideas:
helpfulness, willingness, being an active listener, supporting and encouraging others, sharing our skills and talents, being organised, showing respect and having trustworthiness and so, so much more!

We got into small groups and made a waka to represent our class as we are all on this learning journey together. All the people in the waka pull together to make the waka go smoothly.  The words we brainstormed above are written on the paddles.

Soon these will be up on display in our classroom if you have time to pop down and take a look. Check out the photos below of us designing our wakas together.

This Friday we have our first of three sessions with Constable Lorena, which is very exciting.  She will be running a special programme for us with a special focus on bullying.

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